Tuesday, 19 April 2016

10 Thoughts Everyone Has in Their Twenties

Our early twenties seem to be the most challenging, rewarding and daunting years of them all. 

We endeavour to 'find our selves' for lack of a less cringy saying and we grow in confidence hugely.
These are the years we grow up, leave home, start a career, find our 'person' (grey's anatomy terminology) and predominantly these are the years our lives really begin.


Now I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't be typing this, I feel I may tell myself a few home truths
-insert monkey emoji with hands over eyes -

Here's a ramble of 10 thoughts that often go through my head and I'm hoping they have yours too!

Here we go...

1 - Q: If I'm using wine to cook it's totally ok to have a glass too? 1 for the pasta sauce, 1 for me. Right?
A: Y e s !!!

2 - Q: Am I the only one that doesn't know how to do this adult thing?
A: No... we are all just muddling through the sea of rubbish that life throws at us and occasionally finding some gems and mainly pretending online we're living our dream life. 

3 - Q: How long does it take for that girl on IG to look like that everyday?
A: Probably longer than you think & sleep is definitely better for your skin.

4 - Q: How am I meant to get a thigh gap, pay for a gym membership, live in the gym trying to work out and also have a social life including copious amount of instagram-able food and cocktails?
A: You are not! And who bloody cares?! Be fit, healthy and love your body for what it is and how intelligent it is keeping you alive everyday. If a thigh gap happens then great. But please, you don't need to make yourself unhappy to be 'happy' because that is not what a thigh gap or perfectly sculpted cheekbones will make you. Healthy is happy, a balanced life is happy, a balanced diet is a happy you inside and intern will reflect that in your body on the outside.

5 - Q: Can I do it?
A: Yes, if you really want something, if you have a genuine passion and fire in your belly for it. Then yes, you can do it. I can assure you when there is a will, there is a way. However, I'm not saying it will be easy and I am 100% not saying it will happen over night. What I am saying is with potentially blood, sweat and tears. It will happen. 1 thing though...
Don't. Give. Up.

6 - Q: How many cups of tea is too many cups of tea?
A: I don't actually have an answer for this one, there isn't too many cups of tea, that's not a thing. But if you've got a problem, I can assure you a deep breath, a cup of tea and a sit down will help. It will not fix the problem, but it will help.

7 - Q: Is it sad I prefer a night in over a crazy night out?
A: Sad? No. Sane? Yes. Nights in with your besties/partner are so much better than nights on the sticky dance floor (don't get me wrong, I love a boogy but just can't hack it every weekend anymore). And thats ok, because the people you chose to spend your time with these days are normally a select few so hearing what they have to say is actually nice. 

8 - Q: Is it normal to live in my dressing gown when I'm not at work?
A: Um yes! That is the most valued item of clothing you should own- If you don't own one you need to, they're life changing- Why wouldn't I want to feel like I was being hugged constantly?

9 - Q: Is watching re-runs of Friends for hours on end unhealthy?
A: No and neither is quoting them wherever possible because Friends is the best American comedy series out there. Full Stop.

10 - Q: Should I be doing what everyone else is doing?
A: No, if all of your friends happen to be in a place in their lives where they are settling down and making babies then that's amazing for them but if you're not then that's amazing for you. Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you! You are you and that exactly what you're meant to be, if you're not sure right now what the future holds that totally ok. Social media may give you the impression all of your old school friends are on top of things. That is what they want you to think. Well done them. They I probably having the exact same thoughts about you. So no, you shouldn't be doing what everyone else is doing. You should do exactly what you want to be doing...so go and get that cuppa- I think we both have some thinking to do...

Let me know what other thoughts you've had a 1000 times that you think we've all had?
Let me know in the comments or catch up with me on insta.

Thats all for now beauties, 

Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,
