Wednesday, 17 August 2016

The Weight of Worries

A few weeks ago I watched a video, now stupidly I (due to being in bed & snoozy at the time) I didn't save the link for reference...

h o w e v e r . . .

... fortunately it stuck with me because it has basically changed my way of thinking & I've already preached it to my besties - sorry for the repetition if you're reading this - What 'it' is, is a way to change the way you look at your worries, a physical way to see them & feel them as a weight. 

If you know me you'll know I'm the worlds best worrier, apparently my brain can't get enough of it! Joy. 

So it was a great pleasure & relief to have a change of perspective thrown my way...

I won't keep the drums rolling any longer:

Imagine your holding a glass of water? 
It's a full glass & you pick it up, take a sip & put it back down. 
Now, you had no trouble holding/picking up that glass did you? 
No because it wasn't heavy was it? 
No. Ok good... Now imagine holding that glass for lets say 5 minutes straight? 
Does it feel heavier now? 
Yes, it feels a bit heavier now.
Factually speaking, has the weight of the glass changed since you picked it up for that first sip?
No it still weighs the same. 
Great, now hold the glass for a few days, weeks or even months? 
Is it hard to do that? Impossible.
Why? Because the glass is getting heavier and I've got shit to get done!
But is it heavier? 
Well no, I guess it scientifically isn't gaining weight. 
Correct, so it has't gained wait since you've had it but it's got heavier while you've held it?
Now, let the glass go.
Is that better? 

OK PEOPLE you get the point... you can probably guess where I'm going.
Change the glass of water to something you are worrying about? When it first became a worry it was small. You've done nothing different accept hold onto it for longer, like the glass the worry gets heavier with out it actually changing. 

For me that was the light bulb moment & it's silly because my beautiful sister has always said: 

'you cannot control the uncontrollable so if it is out of your control then it cannot be changed therefore don't waste your energy worrying about it'

Or something like that. She is right & this is true.We all hold on to our worries for so long they consume out spare thoughts, down time & take over our lovely brains but they never change until we do something about them. Until we make the conscious effort to act on it & physically change it or let it go because acting on it isn't in our control. 

B O O M !

Let it go because it's still as big as it was & always as big as it will be. 

I'm going to leave it there & let that sink in.

I'd love to know if you have any other ways you deal with stress and worries? 
What was your light bulb moment? 
Get involved in the convo in the comments or let me know on Insta
Check out my previous post on managing stress here.

That's all for now beauties. 

Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,


Monday, 23 May 2016

How to keep your Skin & Hair healthy

Recently a few of you over on my Instagram have been asking me what I do to keep my skin and hair healthy. Now, I'm no expert but here are a few tips I've found help towards glossy hair and smoother skin.

Considering our skin is made from 64% water It only makes sense that hydrating it will be beneficial. I find when I really concentrate on upping my daily water intake I feel more energetic, the water helps balance my skin levels out therefore reducing oil and shine. 
I've been working on making my water more exciting in a bid to drink more, by adding lemon, mint and cucumber to icy cold water, it's refreshing, thirst quenching and adds vitamin C. It is also something a bit more interesting without it being bad for you like a sugary squash would be.
Another way I try to push my water intake up is to replace a few of what would normally be tea or coffee with hot water and lemon with a dash of honey, or to really mix it up adding a fresh raspberry to add extra fruitiness and colour. 

Specifically red fruit and vegetables are the best for your hair, skin and nails. Red fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants such as lycopene and anthocyanins that have tons of benefits for your body, such as decreasing the risk of stroke. They are packed full of vitamins and lycopene is said to help protect against various cancers. I eat loads of berries on my breakfast with probiotic natural yogurt, a drizzle of honey, muesli and nuts. Then as my mid morning or afternoon snack I munch on a punnet of tomatoes and sliced red peppers. They strengthen your hair and nails and aid growth, which in turn makes it for more regular hair cuts which also aids healthier hair and reduces split ends. 

Whether your skin care routine is high street or luxury it is still so important to look after your skin morning and night. My nighttime routine it more extensive than my morning as unfortunately I'm usually struck for time cause you know...sleep. Looking after your skin with the aid of moisturisers and balms is one of the best ways to revitalise your skin overnight. 
I am totally addicted to these EOS lip balms, not only do I use them for my lips throughout the day and overnight but I also use them as an under eye treatment. Lip balms are the most dense and intense forms or moisturisers out there which is why I opt the use it under my eyes. I honestly haven't found a better alternative product that can provide such a deep treatment. Its also amazing for dry skin patches on elbows or knees or even on hands and feet. Just be sure not to mix up the ones you're using on your face, lips and elsewhere. 
Recently I've been loving Estee Lauder's skin care products, I've been using the Revitalizing Supreme moisturiser a few nights a week alongside the Advanced Night Repair serum when I'm feeling like my skin needs a real good pick me up.
Finally I really enjoy using Garnier products to remove makeup such as their Micellar Water cleansers and their Simply Essentials 2 in 1 makeup remover. Which is a mixable liquid that you shake together to remove your eye makeup. I use it specifically to take off my waterproof mascara. 
In terms of hydration I've started using this Garnier Moisture Bomb it is a gel consistency, when applied feels like it turns into a water on the skin. It doesn't leave an oily feel to the skin and it sinks in very quickly which I like because it doesn't leave my skin feeling sticky.

H A I  R C A R E

I have always used hair serums after showering and before blow drying my hair especially, I prefer to shower in the evening so if I can help it I try to let my hair dry naturally however before styling I apply this Tresemmé Oil Elixir serum. It helps with stray frizzy hairs, conditions your locks and prevents breakages infused Argan and Almond oils, I apply it to my hair wet and now I really notice when I haven't used it. 

What do you do to keep your hair and skin healthy?
I'd love to know any tips you have?

That's all for now beauties, 

Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,


Tuesday, 10 May 2016

6 Spring Picks

  1. River Island Strappy Block Heeled Sandals:
    These sandals as my go to spring shoe at the moment, they are the perfect heel, a few inches tall and block making them comfortable and well, sassy! They're a black suede material that lace up from toe to ankle which is massively on trend for SS16. 
  2. Bourjois Rouge Velvet - Honey Mood:
    As you well know if you've read any of my previous posts I bloomin' love these lip lacquers. They have hours of longevity as you would expect from a liquid lipstick they can be slightly drying but for me it's the colour of this lippy I'm loving. This product is a perfect highstreet dupe for Mac Vegas Volt, coral orange with a peachy pink undertone...if that doesn't describe spring/summer I don't know what does?!
  3. Tartelette in Bloom Eyeshadow Pallet:
    If you read my full review from last week of this beaut you'll know it has quickly become the first palette I reach for every morning. Without repeating myself, it contains 12 shades, 3 lusters and 9 mattes. Now it surprised me how much I didn't mind the matte to shimmer ratio as I'm a lover of a glistening lid. But the 3 provided are so versatile and the mattes work and blend with them seamlessly to create unlimited combinations of beautiful looks.
  4. Primark Tailored Suede Jacket- Grey:
    It appears there is a suede theme running through this post which wouldn't shout out spring summer aka less and/or lighter weight clothing however this jacket somehow works it. Obviously as it's primark it's faux suede and a complete steal at £20, because of this it doesn't weigh you down. It is a lightweight jacket and sits perfectly in the relaxed tailoring trend. It has sharp raw edges which keep it modernised nevertheless the sleek and classic cut give it the winning combination to a staple in every wardrobe.
  5. Marc Jacobs Perfume- Daisy 
    This perfume is an oldie but a goodie! Marc Jacobs can do no wrong with scents, it seems every fragrance is divine and the daisy line all started here. The notes that come through with the scent are very floral  however well balanced with touches of musk and jasmine to ensure it's not too sweet. I love the description online for this perfume, it is described as 'the essence of youthful spirit: young, happy, free.' For me that is spring/summer in a nutshell therefore why wouldn't you want to spritz yourself with youth, happiness and freedom everyday? I know I do.
  6. Kiko Ulimited Stylo - 02 Pearly Vintage Rose:
    Again, I don't want to repeat myself but this long lasting lipstick is high in the favourites rankings. As mentioned in my Kiko Haul they have matte finish and mid-level longevity. However similarly to the Bourjois lippy, its the colour that is my perfect pick for this time of year!!! Its a toned down coraly peach which would work for both a daytime or evening look. As said in my previous post don't be put off by the name 'pearly' as it's really not however I'd totally agree with the rest of its shade names.  
Let me know what your current spring favs are?
Catch up with me on insta.

That's all for now beauties,

Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Tartelette In Bloom

This palette makes me one very happy bunny!

Firstly, can we just appreciate this packaging!?
It is b-e-a-u-tiful!
Not only does it look beautiful it feels beautiful too. This product isn't overly weighty which is amazing for traveling but still feels heavy enough to stop it feeling cheap.

Unfortunately it isn't the cheapest, yet it's not crazily priced either.
 It's £33 although I was lucky enough to receive this is a present from my brilliant sister who may have recently been to the US and thought of meeeee.
Based on my research if you buy from the Tarte website directly at the moment if you spend £86 or more it is free shipping.

Let's get serious now and talk product. 

These eyeshadows are gorgeous and I'm scared to say it out loud but they are genuinely becoming more of a firm favourite than the Naked pallets.
  I feel like I should take that back, is it even possible to like something more than the Naked pallets? 

With that in mind, the Naked pallets are a perfect comparison as these Tarte shadows are 100% on par in terms of quality. With regards to the texture I would say they aren't as buttery but that doesn't detract from the pay off, plus I think this is actually a pro because they don't have as much fall out as the Naked pallets. These shadows have soft and blendable clay-like texture (in a great way). This would down to containing Amazonian clay which promotes a longer more durable product and a truer pigmentation.

Image from
The pigment of these shadows also lives up to standard. They are all pretty much true to colour, you can see from my shot of the pallet in comparison to Tartes image of them, there really isn't too much difference which is brilliant. This palette contains 12 eyeshadows, 3 lusters and 9 mattes. The mattes all work seamlessly together to create unlimited combinations of looks alongside having the opportunity to add some lusters into the mix to really give what ever look you're going for the perfect finish. 

Here are a few different looks I've created recently using what is fast becoming my favourite nude pallette of the moment... as you can see it can create a look for every occasion and is really versatile.
To see more looks I've created with this pallette head over to my insta for a near enough daily MOTD. 

What's your fav nude pallette?
Have you used this palette or the first Tartelette palette? What did you think?
Let me know in the comments below.

That's all for now beauties, 
Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,



Tuesday, 19 April 2016

10 Thoughts Everyone Has in Their Twenties

Our early twenties seem to be the most challenging, rewarding and daunting years of them all. 

We endeavour to 'find our selves' for lack of a less cringy saying and we grow in confidence hugely.
These are the years we grow up, leave home, start a career, find our 'person' (grey's anatomy terminology) and predominantly these are the years our lives really begin.


Now I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't be typing this, I feel I may tell myself a few home truths
-insert monkey emoji with hands over eyes -

Here's a ramble of 10 thoughts that often go through my head and I'm hoping they have yours too!

Here we go...

1 - Q: If I'm using wine to cook it's totally ok to have a glass too? 1 for the pasta sauce, 1 for me. Right?
A: Y e s !!!

2 - Q: Am I the only one that doesn't know how to do this adult thing?
A: No... we are all just muddling through the sea of rubbish that life throws at us and occasionally finding some gems and mainly pretending online we're living our dream life. 

3 - Q: How long does it take for that girl on IG to look like that everyday?
A: Probably longer than you think & sleep is definitely better for your skin.

4 - Q: How am I meant to get a thigh gap, pay for a gym membership, live in the gym trying to work out and also have a social life including copious amount of instagram-able food and cocktails?
A: You are not! And who bloody cares?! Be fit, healthy and love your body for what it is and how intelligent it is keeping you alive everyday. If a thigh gap happens then great. But please, you don't need to make yourself unhappy to be 'happy' because that is not what a thigh gap or perfectly sculpted cheekbones will make you. Healthy is happy, a balanced life is happy, a balanced diet is a happy you inside and intern will reflect that in your body on the outside.

5 - Q: Can I do it?
A: Yes, if you really want something, if you have a genuine passion and fire in your belly for it. Then yes, you can do it. I can assure you when there is a will, there is a way. However, I'm not saying it will be easy and I am 100% not saying it will happen over night. What I am saying is with potentially blood, sweat and tears. It will happen. 1 thing though...
Don't. Give. Up.

6 - Q: How many cups of tea is too many cups of tea?
A: I don't actually have an answer for this one, there isn't too many cups of tea, that's not a thing. But if you've got a problem, I can assure you a deep breath, a cup of tea and a sit down will help. It will not fix the problem, but it will help.

7 - Q: Is it sad I prefer a night in over a crazy night out?
A: Sad? No. Sane? Yes. Nights in with your besties/partner are so much better than nights on the sticky dance floor (don't get me wrong, I love a boogy but just can't hack it every weekend anymore). And thats ok, because the people you chose to spend your time with these days are normally a select few so hearing what they have to say is actually nice. 

8 - Q: Is it normal to live in my dressing gown when I'm not at work?
A: Um yes! That is the most valued item of clothing you should own- If you don't own one you need to, they're life changing- Why wouldn't I want to feel like I was being hugged constantly?

9 - Q: Is watching re-runs of Friends for hours on end unhealthy?
A: No and neither is quoting them wherever possible because Friends is the best American comedy series out there. Full Stop.

10 - Q: Should I be doing what everyone else is doing?
A: No, if all of your friends happen to be in a place in their lives where they are settling down and making babies then that's amazing for them but if you're not then that's amazing for you. Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you! You are you and that exactly what you're meant to be, if you're not sure right now what the future holds that totally ok. Social media may give you the impression all of your old school friends are on top of things. That is what they want you to think. Well done them. They I probably having the exact same thoughts about you. So no, you shouldn't be doing what everyone else is doing. You should do exactly what you want to be go and get that cuppa- I think we both have some thinking to do...

Let me know what other thoughts you've had a 1000 times that you think we've all had?
Let me know in the comments or catch up with me on insta.

Thats all for now beauties, 

Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,


Thursday, 14 April 2016

Kiko Haul // First Impressions


Kiko is a brand I've always been fond of, it's a high street yet non-high street brand for us here in the UK as it is predominantly an online. However some cities are lucky enough to have some independent stores, my nearest being the beautiful city of Cambridge. 

I may given into my weakness and splurged (I use that word loosely as the products were so affordable) on a few new purchases. 

These pictures were taken and products tried on the same day they flew through the letterbox so I thought I'd give you my honest first impressions! 

I purchased 6 items whilst on my spree, as luckily for me Kiko had a buy 3 get 3 free promotion (try saying that 5 times) and I'd had my eye on a few products for a while... so I thought it would have been rude not to?! 

Soft Focus Concealer : Shade 01 Light

At first glance I really like this packaging, I think the mirrored effect gives the product a high brow feel, unfortunately I this didn't reflect in the product itself. 
The colour of this shade has a predominantly yellow undertone and I don't have the world's fairest skin and this shade isn't light on me at all. Moreover, I found the consistency of the formula to be thin and watery. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for when the called it soft focus, as in, no focus? I wasn't expecting a full coverage creamy concealer when I purchased this product. However, as it also features in there illuminators category, I was expecting something that would blur any imperfections and brighten the chosen area. Personally I don't feel this concealer does either of those things, let alone conceal anything. 

Rebel Bouncy Blush - Shade: Velvety Peach

This blusher is a difficult one to try and describe, don't get me wrong I totally love it. It is marketed as 'lightweight powder' yet I would describe it a creamy texture, it is really buttery to touch and literally melts onto the skin. I found applying it can work well with both fingers or a brush and as it says on the tin, the technique of bouncing the brush lightly onto the cheek using circular motions gives a seamless look. Finally it is a matte blush which isn't something I'd normally opt for but I am so glad I did. The matte finish of this gives me the option of the final outcome of the look at want to achieve and also lets me play around more with different highlighters without mixing two tones of shimmer. 

Finally can we give Kiko a round of applause for this divine packaging! Rose gold, you cannot go wrong with Rose Gold, we all know that!

Metallic Eyeshadow - Shade: Dynamic Taupe

I'm torn with this product, my first impressions were, that isn't taupe? Granted it is certainly metallic but it's not taupe. I would class this as silver. Nevertheless, I do like the colour, it's not what I thought I was buying but thankfully it's a yes from me. This is a dense product packed with colour yet it has an extremely supple texture that glides on effortlessly and due to its density has the perfect level of pigmentation for a everyday look with an extra bit of pizzaz.

These lipsticks are my favourite of the whole haul and I have every intention of getting more colours to add to my collection. Unlimited Stylo lipsticks are marketed simply as long lasting lipsticks and Kiko couldn't have been more accurate. 

However, when I first opened the product and started to apply them I was completely thrown off course. They have a soft creamy consistency and feel like a they are going to be a nourishing creme lipstick...oh how wrong that impression was. After a few minutes (or less) on the lips this product turns into a non transferable, semi matte lipstick. Kiko claim these last for up to 8 hours, but who doesn't reapply there lipstick over an 8 hour period? I just wouldn't expect that kind of longevity from any product to be frank. I would say the finish somewhere in between a Mac matte lipstick and a Bourjois rouge velvet lip lacquer. Additionally, the colour payoff is impeccable for a product of this budget, to achieve both looks below I hand on heart only applied 1 layer of product and they produced two full coverage lip looks. 

I purchased the shades:

Shade: 02 Pearly Vintage Rose

Shade: 13 Cocoa  

And I already love both, The pearly vintage rose isn't pearly at all...thankfully matte pearly lips would be weird right? but is a lovely vintage peach tone which could easily be worn day or night. Plus I think it would work easily with any skin tone as it is a very true peach and would adapt well to lighter of darker skin. 

The second of the two isn't actually what I was expecting, online it seemed less cool toned and more of a brown toned nude. Nevertheless now I have it I'm really glad as I don't have another colour like it in my current collection. It's a cool tones brown with hues of bluey/purple running through it because of this I think it would suit fair to mid-tone skin as I really think it complements my own.

Have you tried anything you couldn't live without from Kiko?
Have you seen there new summer limited edition launch? How beautiful is it?!

Let me know thoughts and comments in the box below or catch up with me over on Instagram.

Thats all for now beauties,
Thanks for reading.

Mucho Love

Friday, 8 April 2016

H&M Haul: Beauty Edition

About 6 months ago the beloved H&M launched their first 500+ beauty and skin care range.
Consisting of all of your makeup bag essentials such a lippy, eyeliner, eyeshadows, brushes and the makeup bag itself! We saw the skin and hair care lines launch with beautiful minimalist packaging headlining products such as, dry shampoos and texture sprays. Alongside this an array of body lotions and potions to meet your every need. Last but certainly not least they introduced an extensive nail polish collection, with a wall of nail varnishes I could only dream about- colour coordinated perfection.

So, with the above in mind I would be crazy not to snap up a few pieces!
So far I've got 3 Colour Essence eye pencils , 1 perfume, (since photographing the products) 6 nail varnishes, 1 blush and an Iphone case...which I am well aware is completely off topic but loooook- it's so pretty and it's made with real pressed flowers!!!

I've got 3 lovely colours, Raw Umber (brown), Come in Third (copper) and Wildlife (earthy green). 
These eyeliners are highly pigmented and have a shimmer through them. These can be used as eyeliner, a wash of colour over the lid or even swiped through the wet line. Their consistency is super creamy and butter-like but they set quickly so you've got to be fast with your application- especially if you're wanting to blend them out. I've loved using them in the wet line and smudged out to a soft focus through the lower lash line to add a flash of colour and depth to my eye look.

Nail Varnishes:

I bloomin' love H&M nail varnishes! Since taking these snaps as I said my collection had grown (this is the trouble with working in the city and having the ease to walk to any shop on my lunch break, its great but my purse sometimes tells me off for it). I have Olive Twist, the colour I am wearing in the above pictures, Beach BunnyCopper Penny and Glitter.
So I got the glitter just before christmas and I pretty much wore it for the whole of December and January! It's a holographic glitter so even though its main colouring is gold the holographic pigments in it give it a disco ball/pearlescent effect and I had so many compliments when wearing! The copper is a metallic polish which means it applies with ease, 1 coat will totally surfice and it dries so much quicker, so if you need a quick lunch break fix up this style of polish should be your pick. The final colour Beach Babe is a beautiful pinky-coral colour it's spring summer all over which is why I brought it a few weeks ago to wear to a wedding this weekend.

Mandarin Gold Eau De Toilette- Limited Edition:
Okay, so I'm not going to go into great depth with this perfume as when I bought it I didn't realise I was buying a limited edition product and I always get frustrated when bloggers rave over limited editions products because if they're as good as they say they are they're not going to be sitting on the shelves for long! This is a lovely scent and I can honestly say it's different to anything I've ever smelt previously. Its very rich so you literally only need a light spritz. Fortunately, they do have lots of other lovely scents and they are the perfect handbag size a great price thats easy on your purse!

Powder Blush- Golden Peach:

These blushes pack a punch! They are pretty pigmented so you really don't need to load your brush with much to get the desired effect. This particular colour has gold flecks through it so it is basically a 2 in 1 as it acts as a highlight as well. I really like the packaging of this product, not necessarily the quality of the packaging as none of this makeup is pricey so I wouldn't expect anything to blow me away. However I  love the geometric shape of the packaging and the detail of the gold edging just adds a little bit of something to the overall look. These blushes come in a range of 16 colours so there is something for every skintone, next on my wish list is the colours Rosy Brown or Apricot as I think they'll add the perfect more bronzy tone to a summer makeup look. 

That brings me to the end of my haul and so far so good H&M, round of applause!
*Clapping hands emoji*
Have you got anything from H&M beauty I'm yet to try?
Any recommendations or keep clears?
Let me know in the comments below or catch up with me on Instagram.

That's all for now beauties,
Thanks for reading!

Mucho love,


Monday, 4 April 2016

5 Lipsticks to take you into Spring

5 Lipsticks to take you into Spring 

Spring had 100% sprung in this last week and boy am I please about it! Less layers, lighter evening and new lipstick loves!
Here's a breakdown of 5 lipsticks to take you into Spring and get you ready for summer:

1) Estee Lauder, pure color in Fuchsia Fever , This lipstick is b-e-a-utiful, so wearable and even though I would say it is only semi long lasting and certainly requires maintenance throughout the day, especially re-touching after meals. It still ticks the boxes for a slightly deeper bright spring look! They're a highly pigmented lipstick, which give a medium to full buildable coverage and give a saturated colour application. They are formulated with Vitamins C & E, Shea Butter and Apricot Kernel for to rich hydration. 

2) NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in San Paulo, NYX has been taking the lip world by storm these last few months. They created this range of soft matte lip creams, they have a velvet finish with a creamy and extremely lightweight finish. They're also scented which was an unexpected surprise! They're so so pigmented and this colour is a bright yet deep pinky-brown that would pretty much work with every skin tone in my opinion.
3) Mac Lipstick in Vegas Volt, this is an oldie and a goodie! Vegas Volt is a beautiful bright pop of coral orange. Its the amplified creme lipstick so it's not a totally matte, it looks to have a matte finish but doesn't have the longevity of a matte finish so again it requires definite retouching. It's a classic colour and can be applied to create a flush of sheer colour or can be built up for a fully pigmented pop coral lip. (I have to mention since writing this post I've found a drugstore dupe for this lip in the form of the bourjois edition velvets in the colour Honey Mood 16)

4) NYC Butter Gloss in Merengue. So when NYX named these lip butters they couldn't have got it more right!! On the lips these feel so indulgent, they leave a sheer to medium coverage and quite literally melt on your lips! This is quite a light maybe even a slightly barbie pink, but I like to wear it as a very sheer wash of colour. The Butter Gloss range has 12 shades and they're all beautiful.

5) Bourjois Rouge Velvet Edition in Peach if you're a regular reader here you'll already know I'm a huge fan of the rouge velvet edition lipsticks. They are so in budget at £8.99 and they are so long lasting, this colour is a bright peach, it's highly pigmented and only needs minimal maintenance. It seems they're constantly extending there colour range too, they've got a huge selection of bold pinks, reds and deep plums. Alongside a various combinations of nudes for most skin tones and as shown here a few coraly pops of peachy beachy loveliness!

Swatches from top to bottom, Vegas Volt, Fuchsia Fever, Peach Club, San Paulo & Merengue. 

The rings I am wearing in the above snap were sent to me by the lovely Smashglam team, simple gold collection of rings some midi some normal. They're not the highest of quality but they aren't hugely pricey so you get what you pay for but for statement jewellery which is fashion forward they are the perfect pick. Check out Smashglam on insta here. They do a mixture of accessories including handbags, necklaces and earrings of which I have a few and you'll catch me wearing them on insta here

I couldn't not add a little snap of Blu, she was chilling out while I was taking these pictures and she just looked so cuteee!

Have you got any recommendations for the perfect spring lip?
Let me know in the comments or on insta I'm always on the lookout for buys?!

That's all for now beauties,
Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Mac: Burgundy Times Nine

Mac Burgundy Times Nine

How yummy is this eyeshadow pallet? For months now I've not been able to get enough of these burgundy, copper and brown nude tones whether that be on my eyes or lips. There is no two ways about it, this pallet is a firm favourite in my collection and it's here to stay or until I hit pan.
I can't help but admit that I've caught the Kylie Jenner bug and I will not apoligse for passing it on. 

This pallet is the perfect addition to my collection and I don't quite have anything like it. Of course I have lots of lovely nude pallets with a burgundy or mauve option but this is more of a semi-nude pallet. 

Image from Mac online (ps. there new website layout is heavenly)

You can create countless combinations of beautiful looks with this palette but the difference is, there is something more unique about the shades on offer. Whether you use Star Violet to add a pop of colour, or a dash of honey lust on the inner corners as highlight. This pallet will ensure you achieve something special to every look you create.

I created this look using Antiqued across most of my lid and blended into my lower lash line, I used Honey Lust to highlight the inner corners and lined my upper lash line using embark then pulled it all together with a swipe of brown pencil liner in the wetline and lashings of mascara. 

Simple, daytime smokey and eye-catching.

Have you used this pallet? I'd love to see the looks you create with it, tag me in your comments so I can find you on Instagram or twitter. 
Can you recommend any other pallets i'm missing out on? 
I'd love to hear your recommendations!

That's all for now beauties, 
Thanks for reading! 

Mucho Love,

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Spring: Outfit of the Day

Sunday March 20th marked the first day of spring.

Unfortunately it wasn't so spring like here in Norwich, nevertheless Mr J and I had already been out on what was a more spring-like day prior.
We took the opportunity to go for a little stroll down to the Plantation Gardens in Norwich to soak up some rays. While we were there it seemed only fair to take a few snaps for the first spring outfit of the day.

Jacket-  H&M

Trainers - Adidas Gazelle's

Shirt - Asos

Make up:
Eyeshadow - Urban Decay Naked 1
Lip: Mac Fastplay 
Brows: Soap and Glory Brow Archery 
Bronzer: Bourjois Delice De Poudre
Blush: H&M 
Lashes: Maybelline Colossal Waterproof 

Hat - Asos

Bag - Asos (a long time ago & the don't sell it anymore- Sorry!)

Scarf - Asos

All rings are from little jewellery stalls in Norwich or Camden. 

 Watch - Michael Kors 

I'm crossing my fingers for the return of some lovely sunshine! 
I hope the sun is shining for you this spring, hopefully this is the first of many lovely days out & many outfits of the day.

I've got to thank my lovely Mr J for taking these snaps & having the patience of a saint!

Don't forget to follow me on instagram for daily ootd's, motd's & lots of kitten and food related posts!

What have you been up to this spring?
Are you updating your spring wardrobe?

That's all for now beauties, 
Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love

Thursday, 4 February 2016

My Fav 5 Nude Lipsticks

January has been the month of the nude lip for me!!

I've really been loving a natural smokey golden eye and brownie-pinky nude lip so and I've come to realise I have 5 strong winners that are constantly in my handbag and never far from my lips!

These range from the likes high street Bourjois to luxury brands like Estee lauder.


First up on my fav's list is has been a big name in my makeup collection for at least a year and it's this Bourjois, Rouge Velvet Edition in Nude-ist, it's a lovely deep pinky nude, one of the deepest of the five but it is a very matte lip lacquer, which has real staying power. Dependent on the overall makeup look I would chose this lippy for a night out or a dinner date, purely for the ease of wear and lack of maintenance. It's a beaut, to be honest I love most of the colours from this range but this and the hot pepper shade are the two I've worn so much I've had to re-purchase which isn't a blow on the purse strings either being priced under £10 Barg! 


Next up on the list is this Estee Lauder dream, I got this for Christmas from Mr J. It is from the Makeup Artist Collection which is part of a perfume promotion which is currently an ongoing promotion, when you buy a specific perfume for £54 you can get £290 worth of makeup including this dreamy lip.
Also available in individually for £22 this Pure Colour Creme lipstick in Rose Tea is a very popular seller, you can see from the picture of me wearing it below it is definitely a brown toned nude. Personally I wouldn't say the name describes it well as on my lips I don't see much of a rosey pigment coming through but I can definitely see the tea aspect, cool, brownie nudes are a must have in my makeup bag and this was a welcome edition that is here to stay. 


This naughty Mac number is also a Christmas treat but from my ever so lovely sister. I saw Lily Pebbles wearing Mac Fast Play in her youtube video's and recommended it, so couldn't not put it on the wish list. This is reallllly similar to the Estee Lauder lip but I would say it's more pigmented and has a deeper brown untone through it. 
This the the amplified lipstick so it isn't matte but also isn't a creme or a balm, it has the coverage of a matte lipstick but unfortunately not the staying power. However on the pro side it doesn't leave your lips dry or flakey which if it was part of the matte range probably would. Finally it's bang on trend with the Kylie Jenner lip craze this is a perfect colour to add to any collection and luckily it's not constantly sold out like Velvet Teddy or Mare as Kylie hasn't said she wears it...Yet!
So get down to your nearest Mac counter and snap it up, i'm sure it won't be long until it's tagged her next insta upload.


On a cold day you want a nice nude lip but don't want your lips to chap in the bitter winter air this moisturising lip butter will be your makeup saviour! 

These Revlon Lip Butters are feel so luxurious and totally affordable!
This is the shade Sugar Plum, it 100% lives up to its name, it is a very plummy not sure that's a word? toned nude. I'm not sure if Revlon designed it to be a nude but as it is such a sheer coverage a few swipes creates a lovely nude. The plum pigment can be built up to create a more intense look but personally I love it as a more subtle nude and if you look back at previous posts you'll know I've been loving this range for a while. However if this shade is too 'plummy' for you then i'd also recommend the shade pink truffle it is less plum more brownie pink.


Last but not least is this baby beauty from Tarte in Punch, this is a mini from a lip set I also got for Christmas from a clued up beauty bestie of mine. To put this one on my list is very naughty as it is a Christmas Edition however it's nearly Identical to their full sized version called Mauve Rose.
This lipstick is the closest to my natural lip colour, it's a 'your lips but better' kinda colour. Not too pink, not too brown just naked lip colour.
I love that this is a mini, mainly because it's so freaking cute but partly because it's so easy to apply. Again this is a similar finish to the Mac lip, its not matte or a creamy consistency but a lightweight barely there feel that doesn't make your lips dry out but it doesn't provide them with a moisturising protective layer like the Revlon butters do. Nevertheless I would say it's a happy medium, it doesn't cause any lip problems like cracking but doesn't prevent them either, no complaints from me and I love the final look it gives!!

I'd love to know you're reccommendations on nude lips, I'm always expanding my collection lightening my purse.

Thats all for now beauties, 

Thank you for reading!

Much Love,


***Makeup Details:My eye makeup in the above shots I used Urban Decay Naked Smog all over the lid and a copper colour from Make up Academy Iconic eyes palette blended out under the lower lash line. Rimmel brown eyeliner in the wet line and tight lined, Soap and Glory Brow Archery in Brownie Points and Estee Lauder extreme sumptuous mascara.
As a base I used L'Oreal True Match foundation in N2, Collection lasting perfection concealer in 1, Rimmel Wake me up concealer in Ivory and set with Bourjois healthy balance powder in the lighter shade.
On my cheeks used, Bourjois chocolate bronzer in 52, H&M Pure blush in golden peach and Make up Academy undress your skin as a highlight.