Sunday, 4 October 2015

So recently...

It's been a long crazy, amazing, beautiful summer...

However, it's come at the cost of neglecting you lovely lot and little space on the net my blog. 

For that I apologise. Truly, deeply, I do. 

I am sorry. 

So let's get up to date with one another and then we'll get back into the swing of blogging. 

My summer...lots has happened and changed for me. I've got a new job, I've been on holiday, I've got more inspired and best of all...


If you knew me better, you'd know how long I've been begging Mr J for a little kitty and how much I love my teenie beaut.

Kitten facts:
  • Breed: British blue shorthair cross with Persian (her dad was 1/2 and half and mum was tortoiseshell British blue) 
  • Name: Blu
  • DOB: 20/07/2015
  • Weight: 1.17kg
  • Eye colour: Currently between a green and mustard, we are thinking they'll get fairly bright but time will tell. 
  • Cuteness: Off the scale 

Holiday deets: 
  • Where: Majorca 
  • With: Mr J and 4 other amazing friends both couples 
  • Accommodation: Amazing villa in the mountains of Alcudia
  • Duration: 10 days
  • Snaps: 

Now we are up to date, the next post will be more beauty, lifestyle or fashion related, as you can tell I've not written it yet. 

That's all for now beauties. 
Mucho love, 