Wednesday, 17 August 2016

The Weight of Worries

A few weeks ago I watched a video, now stupidly I (due to being in bed & snoozy at the time) I didn't save the link for reference...

h o w e v e r . . .

... fortunately it stuck with me because it has basically changed my way of thinking & I've already preached it to my besties - sorry for the repetition if you're reading this - What 'it' is, is a way to change the way you look at your worries, a physical way to see them & feel them as a weight. 

If you know me you'll know I'm the worlds best worrier, apparently my brain can't get enough of it! Joy. 

So it was a great pleasure & relief to have a change of perspective thrown my way...

I won't keep the drums rolling any longer:

Imagine your holding a glass of water? 
It's a full glass & you pick it up, take a sip & put it back down. 
Now, you had no trouble holding/picking up that glass did you? 
No because it wasn't heavy was it? 
No. Ok good... Now imagine holding that glass for lets say 5 minutes straight? 
Does it feel heavier now? 
Yes, it feels a bit heavier now.
Factually speaking, has the weight of the glass changed since you picked it up for that first sip?
No it still weighs the same. 
Great, now hold the glass for a few days, weeks or even months? 
Is it hard to do that? Impossible.
Why? Because the glass is getting heavier and I've got shit to get done!
But is it heavier? 
Well no, I guess it scientifically isn't gaining weight. 
Correct, so it has't gained wait since you've had it but it's got heavier while you've held it?
Now, let the glass go.
Is that better? 

OK PEOPLE you get the point... you can probably guess where I'm going.
Change the glass of water to something you are worrying about? When it first became a worry it was small. You've done nothing different accept hold onto it for longer, like the glass the worry gets heavier with out it actually changing. 

For me that was the light bulb moment & it's silly because my beautiful sister has always said: 

'you cannot control the uncontrollable so if it is out of your control then it cannot be changed therefore don't waste your energy worrying about it'

Or something like that. She is right & this is true.We all hold on to our worries for so long they consume out spare thoughts, down time & take over our lovely brains but they never change until we do something about them. Until we make the conscious effort to act on it & physically change it or let it go because acting on it isn't in our control. 

B O O M !

Let it go because it's still as big as it was & always as big as it will be. 

I'm going to leave it there & let that sink in.

I'd love to know if you have any other ways you deal with stress and worries? 
What was your light bulb moment? 
Get involved in the convo in the comments or let me know on Insta
Check out my previous post on managing stress here.

That's all for now beauties. 

Thanks for reading!

Mucho Love,
