I'm 22, I've recently moved to a new city and graduated from university with a 1st class degree. Yet, alongside 1000's of other graduates, I don't know what my next step is but I know my main goal is to maintain a happy life whatever path I take in my private life and in my career.
Things about me:
- I'm a worrier, if there's a situation that could happen, I've already thought of it and 10 other possibilities and the possibilities that come with those possibilities... If that makes sense?
- I like to be organised- I write lists, I re-write lists and I make notes of everything.
- I hate being late and will always take the earlier train or taxi to make sure I'm not.
- I love a lot, if you're in my life, you're in a for a reason because I want you there and I trust you. I've been hurt like we all have and behind closed doors have lots going on - in my head and reality but it doesn't stop my caring and always giving people a chance
- I'm optimistic!!! That's the most important one I think. I may worry and fret but I try to always find the sliver lining and bring happiness into my own others days.
A day without smiling is a day lost
so make sure you take note when something does make your heart flutter or mouth beam
Something I've been worrying and fretting about is the future of my career.
My wise sister once told me 'not to stress about the uncontrollable and focus on the controllable factors in your life.'
That is my new motto or mantra going forward and theres a easy way to do it!!
A theory I use to make my life goals achievable, to live a stress free and happier life is to put my goals into different imaginary (or real) categories and boxes.
My categories at the moment are:
Friends & Family
The way it works is simple.
Only have 1 or 2 boxes open at a time. For instance:
When I moved to Norwich I had the relationship and money box open.
Relationship: Committing to Mr J by moving in with him.
Money: I managed to bag myself full time permanent job in Norwich with a secured monthly wage.
The above didn't open my Career box because the job role is not in my preferred career path it is a job to pay the bills and save some money.
Sometimes you have to remember as much as you want to always be forwarding your chosen career actively, you also need to be earning. If I am earning I have the potential to be saving, saving towards new makeup kits, courses, networking events and self advertising this entail will open the career box once my money related goals are achieved.
Breaking down the different tasks and stresses that occur in everyday life like this means your goals as a whole are essentially halved as you are only focusing on a only few at a time, resulting in a less complicated, more organised and stress free lifestyle.
This has worked for me like a dream, its made my life goals so much more achievable and has relieved me of stressing about the uncontrollable on a daily basis.
My light bulb moment came to me with the realisation that you don't have to try to tackle all of your goals, stresses and woes in one weighty task, its overwhelming and unnecessary.
You can break them down, look at them realistically and individually, with a clearer head you can then endeavour to carefully work your way through your goals in an organised achievable and confident manner.
The great thing about organising your life this way is you may even end up ticking other boxes with out even realising it.
Stress, what's stress?
I realise this may not work for everyone, as mentioned I am very much about being organised and feeling safe and calm, for me this is the way to feel like that. Using a box method to arrange my life works for me and my head. Others may need to visually or physically organise which is why I mentioned early you can use literal boxes if it works best for you. Everyone has different ways of doing things and working habits. This has worked for me and I thought it might be worth sharing incase it helps some of you!
Let me know if you have any other ways of dealing with lives stresses?
Have you tried the box theory? Does it work for you?
If you try this let me know how you get on?!
I'd love to hear your thoughts, comment below or catch up with me on Twitter or Instagram @LivrhMakeup
Thats all for now beauties!
Mucho Love,