Sunday, 25 January 2015

The Liebster Award - Q&A

Hey Beauties!

How are we all today? 
Firstly, I'd like to say thank you and hello to all my new followers! There is now 80+ of you and at this early of a stage is so lovely, I hope you enjoy!! 

I have been lucky enough to be nominated for the Liebester Award, 3 times! By these lovely ladies and there blogs Bethany, ZoĆ« & Une Belle Fin . The Liebester award is an award used to help new bloggers get there blog out there and recognised and I think its a fabulous idea! 

The way it works: 

- Link the person who nominated you

- Answer the questions given by the nominator

- Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers

- Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer

- Notify all nominees via social media/blogs

As I have been nominated by more than one person I have selected a few questions from each blog to answer:
    1. What was the name of your first pet? Teddy he was a fluffy white cat with a little squashed face.
    2. Dream holiday destination? ANYWHERE EXOTIC? okay seriously, I think I would absolutely love to go to brazil and travel around the whole country. Its has so much character and culture I think it would be so much fun alongside the fact that its beautiful and HOT - whats not to love? 
    3. What's your favourite item of clothing? Do pi's count? I say they do. I no I love fashion but who here can't deny that as soon as they get home from a long day at work doesn't get changed straight into there snuggley pjs? 
    4. What's your favourite season? Autumn - hands down most beautiful season for nature and clothes!
    5. List three of your favourite food/ drinks? Tea, Wine & Italian food 
    6. Dream job? Full time freelance Makeup Artist - roaming around making gorgeous people feel amazing - yeah I'd love that
    7. First make-up experience? My sister put mascara on me and told me my eyelashes where like spiders legs and I completely freaked out!
    8. Going out or staying in? IN- with the girls making yummy food having fun making cocktails or drinking copious amounts of wine. LOVE this with the girls, family and my man.
    9. Celeb Crush? Oh god, David Beckham does have a fond place in my heart.
    10. Style icon? Oooh Cara Delevingne, Rosie Huntington-Whitely & Alexa Chung- Mix all that together and thats me - Kind of.
    11. What's your go-to makeup product? Oooooh making me choose? Okay so Mac wood winked eye shadow, real techniques brushes (all pretty much) & Maybelline the flasies mascara.
My nominees are :
  1. What Katie Says
  2. What Lauren Did Today 
  3. Lucy Loves 
  4. Wednesday Genevieve 
  5. Voguecsent 
  6. This Little Lady 
  7. SunandSany
  8. Rubies & Red Wine 
  9. Lu Loves Beauty 
  10. Little Miss Sunshine
  11. Jess Who?

I really enjoyed answering these questions so I would like these beauties to answer the above 11.

Have you been nominated for this award? If so let me know and I can check out your blog? 

Mucho love, 

Here is a picture of my current adopted pet (my sisters kitten) his name is Wilfred, he says hi.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

When? When? When?

Hello lovelies!! 

How are we today? 

I've taken it upon myself to get organised and let you beautiful lot know when I intend to be blogging.

Soooo, my intention is publish my main blog posts every Sunday at 7pm. Not to say this is set in stone and not to say I only intend to write 1 post a week but as it stands that's the schedule. I have a full time job working a 42.5 hour week and I don't want to promise you all the world and only deliver half. 

I will be of course posting some sporadic posts mid week when I have days of here and there but if I am silent during the week check back in on Sundays for a new post.

 I want to give you lovely followers the best I can in my posts. I want to really get to know you and you me. I want to deliver high quality loveliness on a weekly basis for you to read and enjoy. Hopefully one day I can work less at my smelly day job and more on this but for now enjoy my Sunday posts and anything in between. 

That's all for now Beauties. 

Mucho Love, 


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Happy Weekend!

Image found on Pinterest
Happy Weekend!

I started my weekend with some light baking, a catch up and a drink with friends down my local pub.

I gave my hand ago at baking, I had seen a Blog post and video from Lily Pebbles where she made 'Brookies' - Thats right you guessed it, BROWIE-COOKIES and yes they are as delicious as you're thinking. For the recipe click on the word Brookies above or for a link to Lily's blog just click on her name above.

So after a nice chilled evening stuffing my face with Brookies and having a drink with friends. It's time to kickstart the weekend with some Brunch my life does revolve around food.

On the menu this morning is poached eggs, a sprinkle of cheese and some fresh avocado YUM. It's snowing here in Norwich so I'm not totally sure what i'm going to do with my weekend from brunch onwards but i'm sure I will keep you updated.

Here's a few snaps of my Brookie making journey:


What are you up to this weekend?

Comment below to give me some ideas to make the most of this snowy weekend.

Tag me on Insta or Twitter @livrhmakeup if you make some Brookies.

Mucho Love,


Thursday, 15 January 2015

Favourite Beauty Steals

I love makeup!

 I love using it on myself, applying it onto other people, talking about it, buying it, having fun with it, the whole shebang.
As much as I love makeup, I really love finding makeup steals and duplicates. 

Now some high end makeup just can't be beaten however lots can... 

Brands & Products


  •  Bronze Glow Mosaic: This is a bronzer/Highlighter and it is my no.1 go to face product- I have used it for years and even now to this day I speak to professionals and practically everyone asks what I have got on my cheeks. Guess what?!... ITS £2.99! I kid you not. It's a perfect bronzer/highlighter for the summer time when you don't want to wear makeup but are going out for lunch with friends and just want to add a wake me up to your face without caking your skin up. And theres more...Its not just made for the summer. It's perfect for all year round use. If you want to contour with another product and wear a blush too I use it as a highlighter with a lighter touch on the high of my cheekbones.
  • Lasting Perfection Concealer: This is a fantastic concealer, its got a thick creamy consistency which gives it a pretty full coverage so it is perfect for covering uneven skin tones and blemishes. And again its a bloody bargain at £4.19. However because of its popularity people like Tanya Burr and Zoella have recommended it meaning tends to be out of stock a lot! 


  • Rouge Edition Velvet Lipstick: Firstly they've called it a lipstick however, I would call it a lip lacquer. It goes on as a lacquer and sets matte nevertheless it isn't drying, sticky or heavy on the lips like matte lipsticks can be. My favourite colours from the collection I have are Hot Pepper and Nude-ist. Now lets get serious because thats what the lasting power is. No joke, it lasts on your lips so so well and it doesn't leave the lipliner look when it is wearing off either. I would say this is the only bold lip product I would use if I was going out for a meal. Try it for yourself it won't break the bank at £8.99 and there is normally an offer on too! Trust me, you won't regret it.

  • ColourBurst Lip Butter: These lip butters are beautiful, they don't promise staying power and they don't promise high colour pigmentation. Nonetheless, they do promise soft and instantly hydrated lips that is exactly what they do! There is now an extended colour range and even though they haven't got a hugely deep pigmentation they do leave a lovely colour on the lip, I own about 6 from the collection at the moment at 2 of which I have already had to repurchase currently selling at a kind to your purse £7.99 or 2 for £10 at boots! If you are looking for a natural sheer colour on the lip alongside some needed TLC during the winter months- because sometimes lip balm just isn't that glam! This is the product for you!

Thats all for now beauties, this post could go on forever.
 Told you I loved talking about makeup.

What are your favourite beauty steals? 

Have you used any of these products? Or can you recommend me some?

Let me know your thoughts! 

Mucho Love,

Liv! x

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


Hello there fellow bloggers!

I'm a newbie at this blogging malarky, nice to meet you! How are you?

Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself! I'm Liv!

I'm a self taught Makeup Artist, beauty junkie, foodie, hair stylist, home interior addict, slightly ocd and an avid fashion follower. I'm ginger and have blue eyes and Olive-ish skin. I was born and brought up in Southampton, and have recently moved to the mighty fine city of Norwich to live with my lovely boyfriend of 3 + years.

If you want to have a chat you can find me on or

Thats all for now beauties,

Mucho Love.
